🪿Motivation is a Wild Goose Chase
When we want to get things done, the best policy is to make the process fun ✅
Happy Sunday Friends,
Last week, I mentioned an Alex Hormozi tweet that moved me.
He said:
“Sometimes the work just needs doing”
It was a timely reminder that as much fun as I want all my work to be, sometimes the least fun parts just need to get done.
Remember the paper that I wanted to finish on the plane two weeks ago? It was still sitting on my screen this week, waiting to be finished. So, I tried what Cal Newport defines as “Adventure working”. I adventured to a new cafe and finished this paper while I was there. It worked!!! Also, to my surprise, the edit only took 90 minutes.
This event made me realise two things:
Motivation is a wild goose chase:
When we want to get things done, the best policy is to get them done. Instead of waiting for motivation, we can make the process a bit fun, e.g picking a good library or a coffee shop to work from
Cringe is the gateway to the flow state:
Most times, we need to get past the cringe state to get into the flow state. I put off editing my paper for so long because it was cringy to edit it for the 20th time to accommodate the reviewer's comments. But once I swallowed the cringe, it was the easiest thing to do. I even took some extra time to edit the pictures I had left unedited in the document.
I am hoping I can continue this adventure working at least twice a week until the end of December to get some long pending projects out of the way. I did the same to write this week’s newsletter.
Let me know if it works for you.
Have a great week.
Things I have enjoyed this week:
Mel Robbins on Diary of a CEO:
Mel Robbins talks about the “ let them theory”, which means sometimes, to let our loved ones do whatever they want without being controlling or judgemental. I am in the middle of a family reunion, and it has helped me tremendously this week.
Spanish Latte:
If you are a coffee fan and pas by UAE, they serve Spanish latte in most cafes here. Which is a latte made with condensed milk. I have missed this in Australia.
Long Walks:
I mentioned earlier I am in the middle of a family reunion after a long time. It is amazing how magical long walks are for processing intense emotions and having some me time while I am here. 100/100 would recommend.